Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Unluckily u failed!!

Uhuk uhuk..i'm so sad..i failed my PTD test..I just checked spa website and i get the bad news..i'm failed..:( i know this is a test from Him. Although i am not really hope to pass this exam, but deep in my heart i still hope there are miracle for me..This is because, i admit the exam is too difficult for person with lack of preparation like me..I just start prepare within 2 or 3 days before the exam..I read my mother's book about Malaysia and it is really helpfull..But it is too short to memories all the fact and i can't finished study the book..Huhu..In fact mathematic's paper also is too difficult for me..It is about simple problem solution in mathematics..But again i'm not well prepared..I just doing some excrcise 2 or 3 days before the exam..It is too short!!..I feel so slow when answer the question and most of that i just tembak because i don't have enough time..
Same with english essay and malay essay..I'm not good at all in english..I rarely speaking in english and i know less of vocabulary..I have no idea, than my essay is too short..I have to read a lot of rencana..Help me!!
So from now on, i have to diciplined myself..I should force myself to read newspaper everyday..I have to know all about general knowledge and i should know what happen in my country..Beside i also should know about entertainment world and sport world..I have to be busysody person!! Hurr..I also want to start doing mathematics excersise which is to improve my thinking skill..I want to improve my english until i know many of vocabulary and i can write the good essays..With an extremely effort, i know i can do it..Ya Allah, please give a strength to me to fullfill my ambition to be a Pegawai Tadbir and Diplomatik one day..I will try and pray for my success..

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Stalking Your Ex

I just find this article from anonymous blogger..Seem like it is related with my problem..Huhu..This article give a strength to me to get back my-ex..In fact lately i always think of him after suddenly i read a poem that he created..So touching!! But i'm not sure if he really mean it..Hurr, why all this come when i think i can start to forget him..Let's read and perhaps i will do it..:)


Step 1: Contact ThemMost people have a mistaken impression that stalkers lurk in the bushes, waiting for their beloved to pass by. Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, a good stalker always starts out by offering a line of communication or twenty.Send emails: Email is a nice, non-confrontational method to re-establish communication. Every word you send is another chance for your beloved to truly understand the depth of your feelings and how this time apart is killing you inside. Consequently, write often, and write much. Five one-page emails is a reasonable minimum, but you know you have time to write more than that. You don't want them to get the wrong impression that you don't really care, now do you?Make phone calls: Unlike emails, it's relatively easy to fill up an voice mail box if in case they didnt pick up your call., so you must pace yourself. Estimate how often they check their messages, time your calls, and from this, you can deduce how many messages you can leave per day. Remember: wasted space on the voice mailbox is space that could have been used to give your beloved another chance to hear your voice and fall desparately back in love with you again.

Step 2: Work around their attempts to stop your lines of communicationLet's say that, for some inexplicable reason, they haven't come crawling back to you. Worse still, they've blocked your emails and screened your calls. What can you do?
New email accounts are free. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo mail, and countless other services will let you register new accounts until your fingers nearly fall off. Unless your ex is a 1337 with detailed knowledge of spam filtering, you can keep up the communications indefinitely! Anyone who gives up just because their emails were blocked never cared to begin with.
Pressure his or her friends to make calls for you. You only need them on the line long enough for you to butt in and talk. Sure, it may become increasingly hard to get them to make the calls for you, but if that's not what threats and blackmail are for, I don't know what is.

Step 3: Lurk in the bushes, waiting for your beloved to pass byYes, it's true: earlier, we said that stalkers don't really do this. But some times, the object of our affection has so much trouble getting it through their thick skull that you'd cut off your own ear just for another minute in their embrace, that you're forced to do what a normal stalker never would. But you're an individual, which is why they used to love you so much, now isn't it?
Find an appropriate bush. The keys are large amounts of open space inside or behind it, leaves sparse enough to let you see through but not be easily seen, and to not be overly painful (you'd take pain for your love, though, wouldn't you?) This generally only applies to thorns; a holly bush can make a great stalking blind.
Trees are just large bushes. Don't be afraid to hide behind a tree.
Manmade objects are just manmade bushes. A mailbox or lamppost will conceal you just as well as your average bush. Try it out!
Cars are just mobile bushes. If you're worried about having your car recognized, paint it, trade it in, or rent a car for the occasion. No expense is too great, now is it? Remember: if your beloved passes by, don't miss the opportunity to talk to them! You may need to jog or even sprint to keep up, so exercise regularly.

Step 4: A restraining order is just a piece of paperCan a piece of paper keep you away from someone you really love, who would love you wholeheartedly in return if they only gave you a chance? Why would you risk eternal true love over some binding legal order? The law doesn't respect your feelings, so why should you respect it?
Go anyways. Expect the police to be called. This means either leave right after you catch a precious glimpse and exchange a few tension-filled words with your beloved, or be prepared for confrontation. But why risk confontation, when you can...
Burn down the courthouse. Attack the records at the source.

Step 5: Creative MeasuresYour attempts to get your beloved's attention just haven't paid fruit yet? Haunted by thoughts of them with their new lover, whispering sweet nothings to each other while you freeze in the bushes outside their window? Let's face it, it's time to get creative.
Dead animals. Everyone loves animals, but hates to take care of them. These can be presented directly, as gifts -- say, a dead cat on the doorstep (white to symbolize purity, perhaps). But you can do better. Arrange them to spell out messages of affection.
Lavish gifts. Sneak into their house and leave your love a diamond, a wide-screen TV, or a Beemer. Also presents a good opportunity to spy and gather intelligence on who your competition is.
Yourself. Naked works best, but don't just stand there. When your lover arrives, you should be fixing them a meal, or hiding under their bedsheets. Anything you can imagine. Surely you're not so creative as to give up, are you?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Congrat Kien Keat and Boon Heong!!

I'm really happy to know that Malaysia win for double badminton in All England..Congrat tu Kien Keat and Boon Heong..Boon Heong is just 19th years old while Kien Keat is just 24..What a cute two of them.But sadly, i missed to watch the final game which is live in RTM1 last two days..I had to work that Sunday and finished my work after maghrib!! Hurr..really tired..Then quickly drive to kl to see my bro to full fill my promise..Thanks to him too! Went back home it is already 10.30 pm, the show is finished already i think..Huhu so sad because i really like badminton..I'm badminton school player when i'm in primary school..Luckily when i'm in secondary school, again i was choosen to be a school player team again..There is me..hehe..i think i'm talented in badminton..thanks God..:) actually my father also talented as a badminton player..I inherrited the talent from him..when i was children, my father always bring me to badminton hall to see he play badminton with his friend..And sometimes he played with me..During the weekend i had to woke up early in the morning if i want to follow him..and i did it!!..my God, really miss my childhood..miss my father too..I feel like i want to go back to my hometown right now to see my father..hehe..Ayah, i love u so much!!

Finally I Try..

Finally i have my own blog..The place for me to write anything that i feel and i had facing or maybe i will facing one day..