"Askm cik,sy bru je wat website sy sndiri smlm..okla kot sbb tu yg firsttime sy wat..ha3 klu cik nk tgk g kt http://dgenx89.webs.com/maskedheart.htm. byk cik kna ajar sy lg ni..hmm Thanks coz ajar sy smlm"
wehehe sgt terharu..siap ada tribute for me di situ..alahai malunya dik..:p..pstu ada background music which is i never teached during the class..(oh function table dreamweaver dia is not working..ade sape yg tau how to solve the problem??) mmg ms class pasan he was advance than others..ada function yg dia discovered masa class yg me pn xtau sblm ni..hehe..i was told that he is one of the best student there..no wonder la..as for me, mmg sonok sgt dpt shared the knowledge with the student..Alhamdulillah berjaya mncabar diri sndiri..semoga bermanfaat pd semua dan semoga ade lg great offer mcm ni..tmbh gk income sy yg sengkek ini..:p