Monday, October 26, 2009

Mencabar Diri..

i never thought that i can get the great offer to be a part time lecturer..actually bkn la part time pn..skali tu je la pn jd penceramah jemputan..farah (ex-ukm) yg offer utk mengajar her college student on using Macromedia Dreamweaver..fuhh dh la dh tgal almost 2 yrs tp xkan nk utk 2 3 hari me have to study the tutorial..recall blk sume2 yg penah buat really worth spent the time when u standing in front of the class with full of confident sharing the knowledge..nerves tu mmg la since sy x penah mngajar bdk2 besar..bdk kecik ade gk skolah2 dulu ngajar tajwid..seriyes sblm ngajar tu terpikir kalu dorg tny mcm2 mati la aku nk cover..bdk2 leh gk nk klentong..hehe tp syukur la segala soklan maut berjaya ditepis dgn the end of the class sgt terharu sbb ade gk yg suka my lecture..hihi...*wink*..padahal rs mcm ntah pape je ngajar tu..and the most best part is esoknya cik fiza dpt msg berbunyi..

"Askm cik,sy bru je wat website sy sndiri smlm..okla kot sbb tu yg firsttime sy wat..ha3 klu cik nk tgk g kt byk cik kna ajar sy lg ni..hmm Thanks coz ajar sy smlm"

wehehe sgt terharu..siap ada tribute for me di situ..alahai malunya dik..:p..pstu ada background music which is i never teached during the class..(oh function table dreamweaver dia is not working..ade sape yg tau how to solve the problem??) mmg ms class pasan he was advance than others..ada function yg dia discovered masa class yg me pn xtau sblm ni..hehe..i was told that he is one of the best student wonder for me, mmg sonok sgt dpt shared the knowledge with the student..Alhamdulillah berjaya mncabar diri sndiri..semoga bermanfaat pd semua dan semoga ade lg great offer mcm ni..tmbh gk income sy yg sengkek ini..:p

Thursday, October 15, 2009


itu breakfast sy pg ni..huhu mkn sorg2 kt opis yg tgh renovate..k.ipah emrgency leave..bapa dia accdnt pg td..k.nah still mc (yg cite kna operate buang batu tu) sahal cuti nk buat open house (wah best nya mkn2 ptg ni ..:p), Mr J dah g mnum dulu..n yg tgal me sorg2..huhu..x kisahla mn2 pun bole mkn.. opis tgh kelam kabut sket skrg ni..nk buat partition to each staff..makcik privacy sket..hehe..
gmba bwh tu my room will be insyaAllah..:p..jgn ada yg x puas ati pasni sudah..ok daa kenyang..jom smbung keje..

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lepas Raya..

dh bersawang blog cik fiza x update..byk bnda yg jadi tp alasan klise adalah bizi..huhu..cite raya pn dh nak raya yg mmg spt tidak bermakna.."jdkan aku hambaMu yg redha dgn ujianMu ya Allah"..

k.kam yg cantik berbaju pink..

tu gmba selepas farewell k.kam..staff OSC yg memilih utk kembali ke kemnterian..sedih berpisah dgn akak kesygn ni..byk share cite2 dgn k.kam..ngadu2 dgn dia..pasni dgn sape la fiza nk mnja2..huhu.. selamat maju jaya ditempat baru..

smlm pegi hospital melawat staff office..dia baru pas operate buang batu dlm hempedu..just want to share with u, symptom dia sama mcm mula2 ingtkan gastrik..after checkup br tau ada batu dlm perut..doktor decide utk operate sbb batu tu dh besar..takut pecah hempedu tu..uish nauzubillah..mcm2 la sakit skrg sementara tgh sht ni pelihara la nikmat sht yang kita kecapi skrg ni k..

**gmba sekadar hiasan..:p