ok back to that day, me rasa sgt terharu coz ramai lg kwn2 lama yg ingat my birthday..wani, en rr, fhizah, cik putih, hajar, my along, my E yg pg2 dh call (ni mmg rutin dia tiap thn..thnx dear!) n kwn2 dlm fb..time kasih sgt2..n yg paling sy appreciate of coz wishes from my beloved husband..:-*..he was the 1st person yg wish my birthday..tp x aci sbb lum kul 12 dah wish..nk jd org 1st la tu..hehe..papepun time kasih abg..n time kasih for the present..siap buat surprise letak dlm kete pg2..hehehe..n for abg, ayg ucapkan selamat hari lahir yg ke 29 pada 22 Mac lalu..maaf xde surprise utk abg..beli hadiah pun sama2..sori ye mmg x smpat nk beli sbb slalu berkepit dgn our baby..kalu xde abg, mmg x bli la jwbnya..:D
terkezutt buka kete pg2 nmpk hadiah..