Thursday, January 1, 2009

finally it is new year!!

it takes too long that i never updated my blog..after a lot of things happen into my moving to perak rite now..working n staying here wif my family..:) 1/1/2009, feel like want to hidupkan blk this blog..sangap2 kat umah bleh gk tulis pape dlm year come again..i'm 26th!! how time others out there, im hoping that 2009 will be better than the previous year..may my life diberkati oleh Allah dan tercapai segala harapan dan impian..tak mau sedih2 dah..semoga kerjaya ku jua bertambah conjunction with maal hijrah 1430, let we share this together.."Orang yang berhijrah itu ialah mereka yang meninggalkan apa-apa yang dilarang Allah ke atasnya" - Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim..Salam Maal Hijrah n Happy New Year :)