Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Love U All!!

1st April..it was my 26th birthday..thanks to all my frens who was wishing my burfday..sgt2 terharu ramai yg still remember my burfday even we're not keep in touch anymore..my ex-SMKASAS(wani,ain,nani,adik muadz,shikin), ex-KMNS(iwan,hairol,ecah,na), ex-UKM(fhizah,nadia,husna,k.fazi,k.maya,k.mas), my ex-OAS(k.suri, mr rr), my colleague(shad,anis,k.fari.k.dilah,k.pija,adik nana), my ofismate(J-he was the 1st person wishing my birthday sending the cat singing 4 my birthday :p, ju'a,mr sahal,meor,ija dan sume2 ofismate sy ramai plak nk tulis..hehe), my Along+SIL, my adik2 E dan adik, mak andak..tq2..love u all..i'm apologize for those i forgot to mentioned..tp anda tetap di hati..:) what a surprise when i got something for my birthday..special thanks to u..u know who r u..:)..bleh ke nk upload gmba hadiah tu? hehehe...:p
Semoga dgn peningkatan usia ini akan meningkatkan lg amalan kepadaNya..aminn..

1 comment:

rayza691 said...

upload la pic adiah birthday tue....