Friday, August 7, 2009

The Cert

Come back to office after completed the LINUX lucky to be one of the selected person to attend the course..tau la sket2 psl server, linux n some of the open source system..sgt best! thanks mr. balan..n after 5 days finally..........

Isnin yg sgt cbuk..Seminggu kusus mcm2 jd..mklr yg problem..kpkt mnta anta form BTN..SKALI mnta draf the letter n faks the acknowledgement..dan esoknya cik fiza cuti menservis kete, changing the timing belt n changing the.. owh i forgot the name..hehe..seharian ayah teman anaknya ni..thanks ada bunyi2 lg tayar kt blkg tu..isy geram tul..dh check x nmpk problem pun..hurmm..mgu depan akan ke BTN pulak..sila bersedia untuk mempatriotik dan mempolitikkan diri..ada yg dh pegi?


rayzacute said...

tinggallah aku keseorangan...........

cik fiza said...

ehehe tinggal jap je..jauh di mata dekat di hati..:p